Thursday, January 15, 2009

Sing to the Lord a new song! Come before His presence with singing!

Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz.

1. Almond blossoms. (Exod. 37:20)
2. Shittim wood. (Exod. 37:25)
3. A veil or curtain. (Exod. 26:33)
4. Brass. (Exod. 27:19)
5. Zerubbabel. (Ezra 3:2)

New Quiz: Places Of Worship #4
Answer these questions.

1. Who destroyed Solomon's temple?
2. By what act could someone claim sanctuary in the temple?
3. When the Israelites moved into the Promised Land, what city became the permanent home of the tabernacle?
4. On what site did Solomon build the temple?
5. What two types of materials were used to make the curtains in the tabernacle?

Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!