One of Nick's biggest supporters is his older sister, Kristine.
On Sunday we began a short, three lesson series entitled "Relax". Relax is not a word you will find in the King James version of the Bible. We are instructed to not be anxious about anything. To not worry. To fret not. To not let your heart be troubled. To fear not. We have a choice in today's world to either let the world dominate our thoughts or let the Word of God dominate our thoughts.
Jesus said that in the last of the last days there will be an increase in frequency and intensity of many weather conditions, political situations and world conditions. Famines, earthquakes, dictatorships, wars, etc.
We have to decide to not be troubled when we hear reports such as these. We must choose to follow the instructions that Jesus gave us and remind ourselves that our God, the God of the Bible, has all things under His control. We have the authority, as a believer, to release God's power. When we are hooked up with God, we will never fail.
Have a great day,