Thursday, January 3, 2008

Bill with Kristine and her baby brother, Nick.

Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz

1. Jacob (Gen. 31:43-48)
2. Jonathan (2 Sam. 18:3-4)
3. Noah (Gen. 9:12-14)
4. Joshua (Josh. 24:25-27)
5. Isaac (Gen. 26:26-30)
6. Abraham (Gen. 17:2-5)
7. Nahash (1 Sam. 11:1-2)
8. Benhadad (1 Kings 20:33-34)
9. Moses (Deut. 5:1-5)
10. Jehoiada (2 Kings 11:17-18)

New Quiz:Death

1. Which queen met her death by being thrown from a window and trampled by horses?
2. Which prophet performed mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on a dead boy and restored him to life?
3. After having his skull broken by a thrown millstone, who had his armor bearer kill him so that "men say not of me a woman slew him?
4. Which dressmaker, who had died, was restored to life by Peter's prayers?
5. Which king, wounded in battle, died in his chariot?
6. Who died on a mountain top after being stripped of his garments?
7. Which man having been dead four days, was restored to life?
8. Who fell dead after he had lied about a property deal?
9. Who met his death on the gallows he had built for another man?
10. Who committed suicide by hanging because his advice was not taken?

Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!