Bill at one of our favorite restaurants in New York City, Pepe Giallo's. Great food and a fun atmosphere make it one we wouldn't miss!
The rest of January we will be looking at some basic Bible teaching. These teachings will remind you of things you have already heard, but that are vital for your success in 2008.
Remember that you are a three dimensional being. You are a spirit, you have a soul and you live in a body. The real you is called the spirit. You have a soul; your mind, emotions and will. You live in a physical body, an earth suit. When you are born again, your spirit is recreated. You change from death to life. Your soul must be renewed with God's Word so that you think like Jesus. Jesus knows that if you think like Him, you'll talk like Him and act like Him. Your soul does not instantly change when you receive Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior. This is a progressive happening that comes from consistency in the Word of God. Your body doesn't change when you are born again. Green eyes before, green eyes after. The Bible does tell you ways to prolong your life and ways that your life is shortened. Taking good care of your body is essential to walking in good health.
Remember that in God's eyes, only one sin (a selfish choice doing it your own way) will send you to eternal death. Eternal separation from God. It doesn't make any difference how big or little the sin you commit in your life. It doesn't make any difference how many. One sin, your first sin, is enough to keep you separated from God. Jesus provided us the Way into heaven. Do you believe that Jesus rose from the dead? Have you asked Jesus to be your Lord and personal Savior? As an unbeliever, the only sin keeping you out of heaven is not receiving Jesus of Nazareth as your Lord and personal Savior. When you sin one time you become a personal sinner. When you are born again you receive Jesus as your personal Savior. He personally saved you and you have eternal life. The nature of God.
Have a great weekend,