Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nick was a very happy baby who was dedicated to the Lord Jesus.

Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz.

1. Pharaoh's daughter (Exod. 2:5-6)
2. Joseph (Gen. 43:29-31)
3. Pilate (Matt. 27:24)
4. Moses & Aaron (Exod. 40:30-32)
5. Lot (Gen. 19:1-2)
6. Jacob (Gen. 35:1-3)
7. Laban (Gen. 24:29-32)
8. David (2 Sam. 11:2)
9. Job (Job 9:30)
10. Jesus (John 9:1, 7-11)

New Quiz: Be Of Good Courage
In the top list are the names of ten courageous people. In the bottom list are the brave deeds they performed. See if you can match them.

1. Daniel
2. Aaron
3. Shammah
4. Joseph of Arimathea
5. David
6. Gideon
7. Esther
8. Benaiah
9. Nehemiah
10. Jonathan

A. Accompanied by only an armor bearer, he climbed up into an enemy garrison and killed some 20 men.
B. He dared to attack vast armies of Midianites and Amalekites with only 300 men.
C. He killed two lion-like men and a lion in a pit of snow.
D. During a terrible plague, in which thousands of people died, he bravely mingled with the stricken people to make atonement for them with God.
E. Aware that going before a king without his summons meant death, this person disobeyed the decree in an effort to save Jews.
F. He disregarded a king's edict against petitioning God and continued praying even though it meant being thrown to lions.
G. Even though his life was threatened by Sanballat and Tobiah, he refused to hide in a temple behind bolted doors.
H. After Jesus' crufixion he dared to ask Pilate for Jesus' body.
I. When deserted by his soldiers, he stood alone and struck down enemy Philistines.
J. He dared to face an enemy giant, armed with only a sling and stones for a weapon.

Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!