Sunday, September 9, 2007

Bill at 1 in Ely, Minnesota.


A huge key to your victorious Christian life is contolling your thought life. You cannot control thoughts coming to your mind, but you can control whether you accept those thoughts or reject those thoughts. When a thought first comes you must decide whether it is a godly thought or an ungodly one. If it is an ungodly thought, you can replace it with a godly thought. If it is a godly thought, choose to think on that thought. Continual thinking on a thought is called meditation. As you meditate on that godly thought, you will eventually act on it. Your action could be speaking, doing, or a combination of these. As you continue to think and act on that thought, it will become a habit in your life. That habit will result in a godly stronghold which will produce God's richest and best in your life. Thank you Jesus for giving us the ability to choose our thoughts. What thoughts you accept or reject will determine the quality of your life.

Have a great week,
