Thursday, November 26, 2009

The Minnesota Vikings are planning to smash the Chicago Bears on Sunday. If you are looking for a good hamburger, try SMASH BURGER!

Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz.

1. Matthias (Acts 1:26).
2. Timothy (Acts 16:3), Titus (Gal. 2:3).
3. Robbery (John 18:40), insurrection/sedition, and murder (Mark 15:7; Luke 23:18-19).
4. Stephen (Acts 6:15)
5. Two (Matt. 27:5; Acts 1:18).

New Quiz: Occupations #4.
Answer these questions.

1. What did Amos do before he was a prophet?
2. What was Luke's occupation?
3. What was Potiphar's job?
4. What occupation did Paul say the law held in regard to us?
5. What is the occupation of the man other than the Pharisee in the parable of the two men who go to the temple to pray?

Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!