Jessi and Pastor Bill talking about yesterday's Packers and Vikings losses!
The God of the Bible has come up with a great plan of redemption. He has set the rescue plan in place. As unbelievers, every individual person has to make the choice to accept this plan. Accepting the plan brings eternal life. Not accepting the plan, either through ignorance or through disobedience, brings eternal death.
Our responsibility is to believe the Scriptures that tell us that Jesus literally rose from the dead. Our responsibility is to personally receive Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. God's plan is not based on works, but a simple faith, trust and confidence in the finished work of Jesus. The plan was made by God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit before creation. People weren't given the opportunity to mess up the plan or to add to it or subtract from it. THANK YOU, JESUS!
Is there any reason you can't make Jesus your Lord and personal Saviour right now?