Monday, February 18, 2008

Bill, Nick and Kristine wearing their Mickey Mouse clothes in Disney World.


How do you receive anything from God? By faith. By faith, trust and confidence in God's Word. You receive the new birth by faith. You receive financial prosperity by faith. You receive the infilling of the Holy Spirit by faith. You receive healing by faith. You receive God's richest and best by faith in God's Word.

The Bible says faith comes by hearing and hearing and hearing consistently God's Word. Study God's Word daily. Pray daily. Praise and worship daily. Fellowship with like-minded believers daily. Your faith will increase as your knowledge of God's Word increases.

When do you start believing you receive from God? What is your contact point? Here are a number of different contact points. You start believing you receive from God when you say, "Amen, so be it unto me". When oil touches your body. When a believer's hands are laid on you. When another believer says, "I agree with you, in Jesus' Name". When you receive the bread and juice at communion. When you say, "Thank you, it's mine".

Be aggressive in your faith. Find out what God's Word promises. Think like those promises are yours now. Talk like those promises are yours now. Act like those promises are your now.

Have a supernatural day,
