Mini golf with Grammy Roxy and Bumpa Billy! Such a fun time in Ladysmith for the Weber girls! |
Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz.
1. Jereboam II (2 Kings 13:13).
2. Agag (1 Samuel 15:8-9).
3. Jereboam I (1 Kings 13:4).
4. She was thrown out a window and dogs devoured her in the street (2 kings 9:32-36).
5. Moabites (Numbers 22).
New Quiz: Jesus #1.
Answer these questions.
1. What three Marys stood near the cross during Jesus' crucifixion?
2. What two groups motivated Jesus to say, "They be blind leaders of the blind"?
3. Who was promised that he would not die until he saw the Messiah come?
4. Who was the fist person to see Jesus after His resurrection?
5. When someone called Jesus "good Master", what did Jesus reply?
Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!