Happy Birthday Kristine!
Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz.
1. Methsualeh (Genesis 5:27).
2. Jacob (Genesis 28:11).
3. Zerah (Genesis 38:28-29).
4. Moses (Exodus 17:11).
5. Gath (2 Samuel 21:20).
New Quiz: Unusual Bible Facts #2.
Answer these questions.
1. Who does the Bible say ate locusts for food?
- A. David
- B. Paul
- C. John the Baptist
- D. Abraham
2. Whose life was increased by 15 years when he prayed?
- A. Gideon
- B. Hezekiah
- C. Nebuchadnezzar
- D. Jacob
3. In what Book of the Bible do we see the sun moving backward?
- A. Job
- B. Acts
- C. Isaiah
- D. Judges
4. Who killed 185,000 Assyrians in one night?
- A. Saul
- B. The Angel of the LORD
- C. Joshua
- D. David's mighty men
5. In what Book of the Bible do we find an army with 700 left-handed men?
- A. Exodus
- B. 1 Kings
- C. Judges
- D. 2 Chronicles
Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!