Thursday, October 14, 2010

Avery Elise thinks Brian is he best Daddy in the world! We agree!

Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz.

1. Gopher wood (Gen. 6:14).
2. Mint, anise, and cummin (cumin) (Matt. 23:23).
3. Buzi (Ezek. 1:3).
4. Feast od Ingathering (Booths) (Exod. 23:16).
5. In Philippi (Acts 16:12-14).

New Quiz: Hodgepodge #4
Answer these questions.

1. What punishment did God give humankind because their every thought was evil continually?
2. How often did the year of Jubilee occur?
3. By what symbolic gesture did the kinsman turn over his rights concerning Ruth to Boaz?
4. Why did Priscilla and Aquila live in Corinth?
5. Where did Paulo find the altar inscribed "TO THE UNKNOWN GOD"?

Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!