I pray that you will have a heart filled with peace knowing that you will mature through the problems you face.
I pray that you will know that your quiet confidence in the Lord will release His strength on your behalf.
I pray that you will have absolute faith because you remain in the presence of the Lord continually.
I pray that you will
enter into God's rest, because you know that God will solve every problem you face.
I pray that you will have faith knowing that obedience to God and faith in God enables you to enter into God's rest.
I pray that you will rest completely in the wonderful security your Father has provided for you.
I pray that you will have a lack of confidence in yourself and complete confidence in the Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray that you will have deep peace, knowing that you will enter into God's eternal rest when you die.
I pray that you will have faith in the indwelling presence of Jesus Christ.
I pray that you will have absolute and complete peace because you allow Jesus Christ to rule in your heart.