Men on a mission! Jonathan Kroening and Pastor Bill Novak making their way to the front to begin the Wedding Ceremony!
Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz.
1. The mountain will split in two. (Zech. 14:4)
2. They bowed down to him. (Gen. 37:9-11)
3. Judas Iscariot. (Psalm 41:9; Acts 1:16)
4. The queen of the south, the men of Nineveh. (Matt. 12:41-42)
5. A great famine throughout the world. (Acts 11:28)
New Quiz: Numbers #1
Answer these questions.
1. How many chapters does the book of Habakkuk have?
2. How many days did Noah wait, after he had sent out the raven and the dove, before he sent out the dove again?
3. How old were Abraham and Sarah when Isaac was born?
4. How many children did Job have?
5. How many windows and doors did Noah's ark have?
Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!