Tuesday, February 12, 2008

We have gone a number of times to Disney World as a family. One of our favorite restaurants is O'Hana's.


What is the simple Gospel? What is the Good News? The Good News is God loves you. The God of the Bible loves you. The God of Heaven loves you!

Before you received Jesus of Nazareth as your Lord and personal Saviour, you were an unbeliever. A sinner. A child of satan. The devil was your lord and master. You had a satanic nature. You needed a miracle. What made you an unbeliever? What made you a sinner? Why were you in satan's family?

You were a member of satan's family because you committed a sin. You made a selfish decision to do it your own way. You died spiritually. Your destiny became the lake of fire for eternity. Did it take just one sin to get into this position? Yes! Only one sin was needed to seal your eternal destiny. The result of one sin was eternal death and a future in the lake of fire with satan. There was nothing you could do in your own strength to escape this fate. You were lost. You were a personal sinner. You were hopeless. You were without hope in a lost and dying world.

The Good News is God had a plan. God the Father, God the Son , God the Holy Spirit had a great plan to save you. A plan of Salvation. A plan of Redemption. God the Son would willingly leave Heaven and come to this Earth. He would be born in Bethlehem of a virgin. He would be named Jesus. He was the promised Messiah. The promised Redeemer. He was the promised Saviour of the world. Jesus became the Son of God. Jesus became the Son of Man. 100% God and 100% man. Jesus preached the Gospel. Jesus taught the Word of God. Jesus raised the dead. Jesus healed the sick. Jesus cast out devils. Jesus worked signs, wonders and miracles. Jesus willingly gave up His life and died on the cross at Calvary. On the third day Jesus rose from the dead. Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus did His part. That's the Good News!

The only sin now keeping you out of Heaven is not accepting Jesus of Nazareth as your Lord and personal Saviour. You are a personal sinner, You need a personal Saviour. Jesus is the One and Only. Is there any reason you can't receive Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour right now? That's your part. Jesus did His part. Will you do your part and receive this wonderful gift of Eternal Life? That's the Good News. That's the Gospel. God is not holding anything against you as an unbeliever. He wants you to receive Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour. He wants you to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. Is there any reason why you can't receive Jesus as your Lord and personal Saviour now? Let's pray!

Almighty God, I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus Christ came to this earth, died on the cross for me, was raised from the dead, and is now seated at Your right hand. I accept and receive Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour, and I invite Him to come into my heart and to become Lord over my life. I thank you now, Father, for welcoming me into Your family. You are my Father. I am Your child. Jesus is my Lord! Amen.

If you prayed this prayer from your heart and received Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour, you now have Eternal Life. You are a child of God. You have the nature of God. A great and wonderful miracle took place. That's the Good News! That's the Gospel!

