Thursday, July 25, 2024

❤️ Avery will be getting ready to play for
 the Hopkins Royals this season.


Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz.

  1.  They will be slaves of Japheth's and Shem's descendants  (Genesis 9:25-27).
  2.  Not one stone would be left upon another  (Matthew 24:2).
  3.  John the Baptist  (Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1).
  4.  The four world empires to come  (Daniel 7).
  5.  Jonah  (Matthew 12:39-40).

New Quiz:  Prophecies  #3.
Answer these questions.

  1.  Whern Jacob pronounced his blessing on Judah, what prophecy did that blessing contain?
  2.  What was the meaning of Ezekiel's vision of dry bones that shook and then formed a body?
  3.  What ruler did Jeremiah prophesy would allow the Israelites to return from Babylon?
  4.  When did Jesus say that the disciples would be witnesses to Him?
  5.  Where in the Old Testament is the prophecy about Jesus being bruised for our iniquities?

Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!