Sunday, September 2, 2007

Bill and his three younger sisters. Margie (the oldest), Nancy and Maryann (the youngest).

Visiting with my sisters and their families in northern Minnesota. Novak, Larson, Ledin and Leoni. Travis Ledin, Margie Larson, Bill Novak, Maryann Leoni, Jennifer Ledin, Sarah Ledin, Gwen Ledin, Nancy Ledin, Kayla Ledin, Amber Ledin and Angela Ledin.

Relaxing indoors in northern Minnesota. Joining the family are Gary Larson and Roxy Novak.

The Bible teaches that there are only two kinds of people in the world, believers and unbelievers. It is estimated that there are over six billion people in the world today. Some of those people believe that Jesus rose from the dead and have declared Jesus the Lord of their life. The rest have not. Believers go to heaven. Unbelivers do not. The earth is full of good people who are believers and bad people who are believers, but they are all still believers. The earth is full of good and bad unbelievers, but they are still unbelievers.

God loves all people. All people are unbelievers at some time in their life. There is a price to pay for being an unbeliever. The price, according to the Bible, is eternity in the lake of fire. There is nothing anyone can do, in their own strength, to avoid this eternal destination. The God of the Bible provided a plan of salvation. God the Son, willingly became the Son of God. He left heaven. Came to this earth. Was born of a virgin in Bethlehem. Walked this earth. Willingly gave up His life. Was crucified, died and was buried. On the third day He arose from the dead.

Jesus is now seated at the right hand of God the Father. We now have a part to play. If we believe that Jesus rose from the dead and we proclaim Jesus as our personal Lord and Savior, we are made a believer and heaven is our eternal home. The God of Love willingly gave His Son so I could live. Some religions want you to give up your children in order to please god. What God would you rather serve?

The question is, what have you done with Jesus? Have you accepted Him or not? The decision you make, the choice you make, will determine your eternal destiny. No one has, and no one can, make that choice for you. The God of Love has provided you with one simple way to spend eternity with Him in heaven. Is there any reason why you can't receive Jesus as your Lord and personal Savior right now?

With all my love,
