I pray that you will continue to be strong, vigorous and very courageous because Almighty God lives in you!
I pray that you will realize that the Lord your God in the midst of you is MIGHTY!
I pray that you will develop a continual awareness of God's indwelling presence.
I pray that you will live in the continual consciousness of God's love.
I pray that you will honor God's Word as a spiritual treasure!
I pray that you will refuse to fear for your Father has not given you the spirit of fear!
I pray that you will have absolute confidence in your Father's love when you face adversity.
I pray that you will refuse all fear because you have all confidence in your loving Heavenly Father!
I pray that you will always depend on God's strength when you are tempted to feel weak.
I pray that you will fill your heart so full of the Good News of the Gospel that you will never give in to fear.