Reagan loves to climb! |
Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz.
1. Gedaliah (Jeremiah 40:5).
2. He set them over the affairs of the province of Babylon (Daniel 3:12).
3. He was servant to Elah who was king of Israel before him (1 Kings 16:9).
4. Reuel (Jethro) (Exodus 2:16-18).
5. They were both prophetesses (2 Chronicles 34:22; Luke 2:36).
New Quiz: God #1
Answer these questions.
1. What does Romans 1 say reveals the invisible attributes of God?
2. When Moses asked God whom he should say sent him, what name did God tell him to use?
3. Who served as Israel's advocate and talked God out of killing the children of Israel?
4. How many days did God take to create the world?
5. How did Jesus say we are to worship God?
Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!