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Do You Know Your Bible?
Answers to previous quiz.
1. Isaiah (Isaiah 25:11).
2. Aphek (1 Kings 20:30).
3. Jonathan, son of Shimeah (2 Samuel 21:20-21).
4. Ahaz (2 Kings 16:2-3).
5. Samson (Judges 15:4).
New Quiz: Expert Trivia Questions #22.
Answer these questions.
1. What Bible character had neither a father nor mother, is mentioned eleven times in Scripture, was not born and did not die?
2. The book of Proverbs lists four creatures that are small but exceedingly wise. What are these four creatures?
3. Who warned his enemies by cutting up a yoke of oxen and saying to them that if they did not submit to him, the same thing would happen to them?
4. After Jesus had risen from the dead, Peter was fishing and caught a large amount of fish in his net and brought them to Jesus. How many fish did Peter catch in his net?
5. What Bible prophet prophesied that men would eat their own flesh?
Answers and a new quiz will be posted next Thursday!